Tuesday, July 28, 2009

In Which I Spare You The Egg Pun

The other day I was making a cake that called for 3 eggs. Odd numbers of eggs, at least for me, alway present a little puzzle: Which side of the egg carton will end up with the extra egg? Can I rearrange the remaining eggs so the carton is better balanced? Should I just use 4 eggs for the sake of egg carton symmetry? You see, I like an even, balanced egg carton; it's a matter of common sense, really.

Generally, my egg carton strategy is to use the eggs from the outside and work in, keeping the sides as equal as possible. This way, when the carton is pulled from the fridge, you aren't misled by a very light side that then becomes a very heavy side once the whole carton is off the shelf.

Plus, don't my grade AA's look prettier in the carton this way?

Pass It On

It occurs that as a Society we ought to have a secret handshake or something that identifies us to other Miniver-ians (-ites? -ettes is a little on the spirit squad side.). In the nature of gang signs that we could flash each other outside our theoretical wrong-side-of-the-tracks mini-market, we could carry a talisman that would discreetly whisper our allegiance to the cause when we meet in semi-upscale department stores. Maybe a green alligator daily planner, or a Chrysanthemum scarf, or a small fire cracker, or a Guy Fawkes effigy pin...Maybe a whispered "Scotland wins" would be more to the point.

In lieu of that I vote we all correct people when they try to shoehorn us into that awful, truncated, defeminizating "Ms." I am Missus Dominguez. Or Senora, if you will. My daughter is Miss!

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Mrs. Miniver Society

While browsing through some second hand kitchenware I came across these milk glass green cups. We need small cups at our house and I loved these so. There was also a matching sugar bowl. I have no need for a sugar bowl and I am trying to economize but it looked so lonely sitting there on the shelf without its cup friends. So after agonizing for quite some time I brought it home with me as well. I just couldn't bear to break the set.